Get into the Old Groove in the New Year

Well, it is 2021! The holidays are over, the Christmas decorations are coming down, friends and family have departed for their homes and it is time to return to go back to our regular daily routines. But even though the holidays are over that doesn’t mean the cold and gloomy winter days are.

On those cold, cloudy winter days it is tempting to let the weather dictate your mood… but it doesn’t have to.

It’s easy to take a break during the holidays and not stick to your normal routine of diet and exercise. I mean, come on! It’s a holiday! We have to take SOME breaks, right? But once it is all over and the new year has begun…it is really hard to get back into the swing of it again. And…let’s admit it, we feel rather sluggish and lazy, and the cold and gloomy days of winter make us feel less than excited to start again.

But there comes a time to get off the couch, leave the Christmas leftovers behind and get back into the old groove in a new year. Don’t let your break go on for too long or it will get harder to get out of and your body will feel worse…and that is when we face the temptation to give up before we are even two months in. Here are a few important ways to get yourself out of the slumps and re-energize your mind. Start out slowly at first if you have to…but keep on going!

Drink, Drink, Drink

I know drinking a lot of water is harder to remember during the winter months, than it is when we are really active, hot and sweaty…but it is just as important to avoid getting dehydrated during winter as it is in summer. It helps avoid low energy levels, fatigue, headaches and improve your mood.

Drinking plenty of water is essential to good health, and I believe should be one of the top items on the list for the new year…and all year long. water helps improve the digestive system by helping to keep things moving and clear out waste, clean the blood, and aid the detox process. It can also improve the appearance of your skin, giving you a healthy glow, and help your eyes look brighter and your hair shinier!


Not only does this help get rid of those unwanted holiday pounds, but getting back into a workout routine also boosts your happiness and energy levels. Experts discovered that low-intensity workouts, such as a leisurely stroll, caused a drop in fatigue levels and a 20% energy boost! Some good news after the holiday slump!

Exercise could also be an answer for helping you face going back to work! One study found that employees who worked out on work days felt less stressed, happier and were more productive than on days when they skipped a workout.

Joyful Smells

Odors can have a rather big effect on our mood. Some smells can make us feel yuck and give us a headache, thus putting us in a foul mood, or they can relax us, clear our brain and make us feel happy. This makes aromatherapy a great way to help improve your mood and boost your brain focus.  Smell is the strongest of the sensations and is best able to influence brain activity. Olfactory bulbs are part of the limbic system and directly connect to the regions of the brain that process emotion and learning. This is one reason why a certain smell will trigger a memory or remind us of someone or something.

It is always important that you are inhaling CLEAN smells, and not a bunch of toxins (even though they may smell wonderful). So maybe switch out those candles for a diffuser with essential oils, such as: Peppermint, Rosemary, Lemon, or Lavender. Find your happy scent and enjoy!

Retrain Your Eating Habits

What you feed your body will either fuel and energize it, or weigh it down, making it sluggish and depressed….not to mention, sick. It’s time to put away those leftover desserts, baked goods and Christmas candy, and pull out the greens! Getting back into a diet of clean fruits and vegetables and whole, organic foods rich in vitamins and nutrients (such as omega-3 fish and foods), can help FUEL your body, feed your energy and get your body and brain out of the holiday fog and gloom…even on those grey gloomy days!

Christmas Star of Hope


We often hear, or speak about this thing called “a Christmas miracle”. We know and say that Christmas is the time for miracles, a time for hope and belief. And after this year, I bet we all could do with a double dose of that. This year has definitely taken it’s toll on all of us, some more than others, but all of us, none the less. After a year like this, after all the darkness and evil we have seen, after all the hurt we have dealt with, some of us could be tempted to give up hope. Tempted to stop believing in miracles. It would be easier, right?

This year, in 2020, the year of horror…amidst all the chaos, battles, anger, heartbreak and loss, we saw something happen that has not happened for over 2,000 years: the Christmas Star.

It looked different to all. For some it was dimmed by surroundings or the overpowering city lights. For others it was obstructed by clouds. Yet still for some others it shone brightly. Whatever it looked like to you, dim, obstructed, bright, or just underwhelming, not what you thought or wished it would be…non of us can deny that it was there. It still stood in the sky, shining its light down on us. A symbol of hope. God is still there. He still sees, and He is still in control and working, whether we see it the way we desire or not.

It was a type of Christmas miracle. Perhaps not as glorious or eye popping as we wanted, but a miracle, non the less. Imagine it: the Christmas Star, having not appeared for 2,000 years, shone in the sky in the year 2020…a year many of us have hated and wished would come to an end! Christmas IS a time for miracles. But why is that? Why is Christmas always seen as a time for the impossible, for things out of the ordinary, happy endings or for hope? Perhaps it’s because of the first Christmas miracle to ever take place years ago…

Over 2,000 years ago, in a year much like this one, full of fear, unrest, loss and hopelessness…another Christmas Star shone down on the earth. Down on a sleepy little town in the darkness. Down on a group of outcast shepherds, gathered around a feed trough. Down on livestock, huddled together in a cold stable. Down on a young mother, holding her newborn son. Every baby is a miracle…but there was something even more special about THIS baby. This baby was born as the savior of the world: Jesus Christ. The very first Christmas miracle.

That is why Christmas is called a time for hope, love and miracles. Not because it is really magical. Not because it holds more power than any other holiday. Not because the rest of the year is not important or can’t embody these things. But because during this time we celebrate a miracle. A God who came down to earth in the most unexpected way, in the form of a helpless baby, to live among men, to give up all and die for them. The greatest of kings, born in the most humble of places.

This Christmas, as we look at an uncertain future, as we tighten our belts or look at less presents under the tree or less family gathered around us…remember that first Christmas night over 2,000 years ago. Jesus came to earth as a baby, born of virgin, in a town that had no room for Him and a world that didn’t want Him. He came to bring light to a darkened world, hope to a hopeless time, life to a dying people.

Because of that first Christmas Star, that first Christmas miracle, we can have hope today. We can believe in miracles. Even in the darkest of times, even in the worst years, even if it seems obstructed…hope still shines. Because our hope lies not the things or people around us, not in our circumstances, but in our Savior. The One who was born this day, and died so that we could have life forever with Him. So that we could have hope…hope in a dark world full of trouble.

But do not fear…for HE has overcome the world!


Merry Christmas, everyone!

5 Ways to Enjoy Winter This Year!


Cold, holidays, ice, snow (if you live in the right parts of the world), fires in the fireplace, afternoons and evenings curled up with a mug of hot chocolate and a good book. Some cozy days, some gloomy days, some sunny days, some grey days. There is a lot about winter to be excited for…and a lot that just makes us feel down and gloomy (especially if you are not a fan of winter…and live somewhere where winter is really blah).

But there is good news! When winter starts to get old and get you down, here are some ways to keep up good health and good attitude for these remaining grey winter months:

1. Food

What you eat affects so much. Your health AND your mood. Make sure you are eating good whole foods, no processed foods, sugar and dyes. When consuming fruits and vegetables, make sure you are eating the ones in season. Eating fruits and vegetables out of season can cause a whole lot of other problems. You can check out my article HERE about eating in season, and for a list of good winter produce.

2. Essential Oils

They can’t change the weather, but they can help to boost your mood over the dreary winter months. They can also help to keep up your immune system to make sure you stay healthy…which, for me, is a great mood booster. Some winter oils to place into your diffuser are Peppermint and Lemon, Lavender, Wintergreen and Orange, and…should you want a little taste of spring along with a mood booster, Jasmine is also a favorite.

3. Sleep

All year ’round good sleep is essential to good health and mood. Develop good habits of getting to sleep at a decent time each night and stopping the technology time in bed to get better quality sleep.

4. Embrace Cold Weather

This one may be a little hard for those who don’t like cold weather…but there are a lot of benefits to the cold. Use it as an excuse to move. Get out there and warm up with some exercises like a brisk walk to get the heart rate up and the lungs working. It helps stimulate the brain and help to wake you up and improve mood, trust me. We can’t change the weather or the season we are in, but we can use it to the best of our abilities and embrace all the different beauty and health benefits that God has given each season of the year.

5. Fellowship

When it’s cold and ugly outside we really don’t want to go out. SO! It’s a good excuse to curl up at the house with family (or friends) and play some games, watch a movie, and just enjoy each other’s company. Maybe even with some hot tea or hot apple cider. 😉 Don’t use the cold and blah days as an excuse to isolate yourself. Being around your loved ones can really help to improve your mood (at least, most of the time) 😛

In Season… Out Season

Fruit and vegetables

Have you ever wondered why some fruits and vegetables only grow at certain times throughout the year…not all year ’round? Well, maybe that is because God only intended us to eat them at specific times…


  • They are fresher and better tasting. Now I KNOW you have bought produce from the store and have found it to taste much better and have such a good flavor at certain times, as opposed to others. Did you ever notice if it was one season versus another? When you eat (say…a strawberry) during the months when it grows naturally out in the garden as it was meant to be (as long as you don’t pick it too soon) you get a nice juicy berry flavor. Now, compare that to a strawberry you buy at the store during December. Harder, not much flavor or juice, and maybe even a bit sour, huh? Which would you rather eat?
  • They are cheaper. It’s true!
  • You get better nutrition from your foods when you consume them when they were naturally meant to be. 

Think about it: What if we were all back to growing all our own food? When would you be eating them? When they grow, right? RIGHT!

OK…so now that we have understood WHY we should eat foods in their proper season, let’s look at WHAT foods to eat in which season. Now, it also depends on where you live (as some foods are in season a little differently than in other places), but here are some main ones to get you started:

Spring/Summer Fruits and Vegetables:

Asparagus                                               Apricot

Beans                                                      Blackberries

Broccoli                                                   Blueberries

Cauliflower                                              Cantaloupe

Corn                                                        Cherries

Cucumber                                               Figs

Eggplant                                                 Grapes

Lettuce                                                    Kiwi

Peppers                                                   Mango

Summer Squash                                      Peaches

Tomatoes                                                 Pineapple

Zucchini                                                   Plum





Fall/Winter Fruits and Vegetables:

Beans                                                    Apples

Broccoli                                                 Cranberries

Brussel Sprouts                                     Grapes

Cauliflower                                            Grapefruit

Cucumber                                              Lemon

Eggplant                                                Orange

Peppers                                                  Papaya

Pumpkins                                               Pear

Tomatoes                                               Persimmons

Winter Squash                                       Raspberries



So take the list and eat to your heart’s content! Bon Appetit!

“To everything there is a season…”

Build a Better Defense and Enjoy Your Winter


It’s that time again people! Are you ready for another bout of achy muscles, inflamed sinuses, sore and raw throat, and having to put your life on hold because you are too sick to function? I thought not.

No one likes to spend their winter indoors because they HAVE to. Sure, we don’t mind staying home and lying around from time to time when we have a choice – we aren’t feeling horrible while we do and we can perhaps get some things accomplished off of our to do list.

We also don’t want to create a domino effect and put our whole family in quarantine (have you noticed how powerfully it effects large families?) 😉 Though this seems to be the norm during this time of year, it doesn’t have to be for you. There are some very simple steps you can take to minimize the effects of the winter bug, or even avoid it all together. Here are some of my favorites:

1. Food

80% of the immune system is in the digestive tract. One of the biggest defense tools you can give your body is filling it with lots of good superfoods and staying away from foods that weigh your body down and weaken your defense walls. So load up on some vitamin c, green leafy vegetables, probiotics and even some bone broth (smoothies are awesome). Be sure to chew well so it is easier for you to digest… and eliminate. Hydrate well, guys!

Stay away from those foods that can irritate the gut such as processed/fried foods, sugar and artificial sweeteners.

2. Exercise

It’s generally not thought about, but getting exercise can help you sleep better. It also helps increase circulation and keep your body in good strength for its defense. So keep up that daily workout routine! It will also help keep you warm, if you are not a fan of cold weather. 😉

3. Essential Oils

There are several essential oils that can help build up your immune system AND help build you up while you are down with the bug. 😉  Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Lemon are some of my favorites.

Peppermint and Eucalyptus help to clear the airways and can also help to relax your muscles. Plus, peppermint always smells amazing. 🙂

Lemon helps with lymphatic drainage and can help settle your stomach.

*Not every oil is going to work the same way for every person. Muscle testing is a great way for you to find out what oil your body needs. Contact me if you want to know more about muscle testing with oils.

4. Sleep

Getting your rest is an important part of staying healthy. If your body is too tired, it has no energy left to fight off illness. I know it is hard (I’m still trying to teach myself), but sometimes you should just turn off your computer, put away your work and get some sleep.


So go out there and enjoy your winter!

5 Healthy Holiday Tips


Thanksgiving and Christmas. Two of the most exciting days of the year. It’s a time for family to gather together, there are delicious smells coming from the kitchen, the weather is getting colder (well… maybe, if you’re in the right place), and there are all those wonderful holiday traditions. But there is that one annoying little bug hiding in the corner, just waiting to jump out at you.

I know it’s hard to keep looking and feeling your best during these holiday months. There are so many tempting sweets this time of year and with the busy schedule of everyone on the family it is easy to let ourselves go and ignore our body’s warnings. I fall into the trap almost every year. And just about as many times… I end up regretting it. These are special and happy times and it is a shame to let sickness get in the way of enjoying these times with friends and family to the utmost.

Here are a few tips you can try to make this holiday season just a little bit more enjoyable.

1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking water is vital for your health. Being dehydrated weakens your immune system and can make you susceptible to sickness, especially during the holidays when we tend to ignore our bodies amid all the excitement of the season. It’s recommended that you drink half your body weight in water every day… but that is not the only way to stay hydrated. Getting more fruits and vegetables in your diet has many positive impacts on hydration status.

2. Stay Active

Exercising with a busy schedule is tough, but it is key to keeping our muscles strong (and I don’t just mean like Hercules), keeping our shape and giving us energy. Strong muscles and body help keep spasms and back back pain at bay, and help support the rest of the body. It doesn’t take much, a simple 10 minutes a day will help a lot.

3. Get Plenty of Sleep

Recharge! Lack of sleep really puts a strain on your body and weakens you. I can testify to that. Though there is so much to do during the holidays and we may be tempted to stay up just a few more minutes to complete that last task, we might want to listen to our body and leave it for the morrow. Sometimes it is necessary to stay up a little later, we do have responsibilities after all, but it is important that we don’t go overboard and make it a regular habit. Be smart and know when it is time to stay up and finish that project and when it is time to give in to the calling of your bed. 🙂

4. Manage Stress

Stress zaps energy from our bodies and can also cause physical pain (headaches, muscle cramps for example). Take time to relax during the holidays. Breathe and let the hustle and bustle leave your mind. I have found that curling up with a good book or reading passages of scripture will do wonders.

5. Self-Control

Don’t eat every sweet thing set before you. Sugar is your enemy. It can drain your body of all the good nutrients and leave you with a very inflamed and irritated gut. Indulging in a few special treats here and there is OK, but be sure and feed your body the protein and vitamins it needs to help balance glucose and insulin levels. Don’t overdue your dessert portions… and listen to your body! Stop when it tells you.

Believe me, a happy gut and body will treat you well. Though hard at times… it is worth it. 🙂 So what do you say? Ready to chase away the blue Christmas this year? Are you up to the challenge with me? 

So let’s talk! What are some ways you have found to help your body make it through the holidays with a smile?