4 Signs You’re Spending Too Much On Supplements

Composition with variety of drug pills and dietary supplements

1. You can’t name every one you’re taking

Once you start investing in supplements, it can be far too easy to end up with a cabinet full of bottles you mindlessly take from each morning. Constantly taking pills like this can be incredibly harmful to your body. At a certain point, ingesting more pills is just putting stress on your liver and other organs. Know what you’re putting into your body and, especially, know if your body needs it. Otherwise, you may be doing more harm than good.

2. You take a supplement but don’t know its benefits

I’m not saying that you have to be a total expert on each of your supplements, but if you’re taking one it should be for a reason. For example, imagine you were to take extra vitamin B6 to help with your carpal tunnel syndrome. You just mix it in with your morning cocktail of supplements and make it part of your routine. Once your symptoms have ceased, should you still take the same dose of vitamin B6? The answer is no; taking too much vitamin B6 for too long can cause you harm! Once it becomes part of your routine and you forget what you’re taking it for, it can be easy to overlook.

3. You use them as a replacement for food

I hope this isn’t too much of a problem for you. Let me just say this: Real food is the best food. Should you take a vitamin C pill or should you have an orange for breakfast? Definitely the orange. Should you grab some calcium tablets or munch on some collard greens? Greens, of course! It can be tempting to pass over the right food when you know you have a pill that will fill your body’s nutrient needs, but resist the temptation! Do right by your body and it will do right by you.

4. You aren’t using muscle testing to determine the right supplements for you

Not all supplements and brands will work with your body. That’s where muscle testing comes in. When a supplement is in a person’s “field,” the body can tell if it is beneficial or harmful. The body communicates, not with words, but strong or weak. The muscles are easy to observe either by sight or feel. Finding a supplement that will serve you and not hurt you will save you money! I can teach you how to do this at my office.  Call for a free consultation!

5 Vitamins and Minerals You Probably Aren’t Getting Enough Of

Source: Olearys

I absolutely encourage examining your diet first before you go shopping for supplements. If you find yourself consistently not getting enough of these vitamins and minerals, then perhaps it is time to change your diet or go shopping for supplements. These are five things you are probably not getting enough of.
Calcium is important for preserving bone health and encouraging proper muscular and nerve function. A lack of calcium can lead to depression, insomnia, and osteoporosis. If you need to add more calcium to your diet, try eating a little more dairy. If you’re dairy free, white beans, salmon, and kale will give you a decent percentage of your daily recommended amount.

Vitamin D
The most common demographic that lacks vitamin D is elderly women; 62% of them do not consume the daily recommended amount of vitamin D. This can lead to diarrhea, insomnia, and osteoporosis. To get more vitamin D, consume more dairy and salmon. Or, perhaps, just go out for a walk! It is very difficult to get enough vitamin D from diet alone, but you can get enough vitamin D just by spending some time each day outside.


Iron is what helps your body make red blood cells. When your iron levels get low, your body can’t carry oxygen efficiently, causing anemia. The symptoms of anemia are fatigue, pale skin, and dull, thin, sparse hair. Men are unlikely to have iron deficiencies. In fact, 29% of men have excess levels of iron. Women are particularly prone to deficiencies because of the iron they lose during menstruation. To boost iron levels, eat more beef, beans, lentils, and spinach.


Folic Acid

The daily recommended amount of folic acid doubles during pregnancy. A lack of folic acid can lead to anemia, insomnia, shortness of breath, and neural tube defects in fetuses. Deficiency has decreased drastically since mandatory folic acid fortification of enriched cereal grain products lowered it by 50%, but if you avoid grains you could still be at risk. You can find folic acid in dark leafy greens, lentils, and citrus fruit.



Magnesium is necessary in the process of energy production and bone health. A lack of magnesium can lead to heart attack, hyperactivity, and muscular irritability. Deficiency is uncommon in healthy people, but those who are on certain medications or consume a lot of alcohol tend to be lacking. Symptoms of deficiency are loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. In severe cases, it can lead to numbness, muscle cramps, seizures, or abnormal heart rhythms. To boost your magnesium levels, consume spinach or nuts such as almonds, cashews, or peanuts.