6 Things That Weaken Your Immune System

Over the past several years we have gotten further away from the natural lifestyle that God intended for us to live for the best health we can have on this earth. Instead of turning to the products and resources He has placed here for us, that are meant to attack the root problem, we turn to medications and other expensive treatments that just stop the symptoms and ignore the true problem…while at the same time creating even more health side effects we didn’t bargain for.

6 Things that Weaken Your Immune System

1. Lack of Vitamin D – Vitamin D is very important to a strong immune system. More and more evidence is showing that a vitamin d deficiency is a big culprit in increased susceptibility to infections and illnesses.

2. Stress – Chronic stress has been shown to suppress protective immune responses, weakens our internal organs and leave us more susceptible to disease. It actually really confuses your immune system. It triggers immune overreactions and under-reactions. The overreactions can leave you struggling with autoimmune symptoms. Immune system under-reactions could leave you catching every cold, flu, or other bug that’s going around. It’s a hard one to avoid, but it is one that we all need to reduce in our daily life for optimum health.

3. Sugar and Processed Foods – Consuming refined sugars can cause chronic inflammation in the body, and it has been shown to shut down white blood cell production for up to five hours. Processed foods and diets high in sugar can cause gut damages (the first line of defense in the immune system), and cause other organs, such as the brain, heart and liver to not function properly.

4. Lack of Good Quality Sleep – It’s not just getting enough sleep, though it is important to get at least 7 hours, but you also need to be sure you are getting GOOD QUALITY sleep. When you aren’t getting enough quality sleep, or enough sleep in general, your immune system won’t be able to function properly. Try turning off your devices at least an hour before bedtime and sleep in a dark, cool (but not cold) room.

5. Lack of Physical Touch – Physical touch has been shown to boost the immune system. Hugs strengthen the immune system…The gentle pressure on the sternum and the emotional charge this creates stimulates the thymus gland. This regulates and balances the body’s production of white blood cells. Hugging also induces the “stress buffering effect”, where the individual who is hugged often is less likely to become sick due to stress-induced illness.

6. Using Harsh Chemicals and Cleaners – In order to keep the immune system continuously protected from very harmful bacteria and viruses, the microbiome of our skin requires some level of pathogens and bacteria. Using all these harsh cleaners and anti-bacterial soaps destroy the natural dirt that our body actually relies on to stay healthy. Researchers have found that exposure to outdoor microbes (such as dirt) is linked to a stronger more robust immune system.


6 Things to Boost Your Immune System

After finding out everything that damages our immune system, it’s always nice to know what we can do to get our defenses back up and in working order again.

1. Probiotics – Did you know that your gut health and immune system are linked? Seventy to eighty percent of your immune tissue is located in your digestive system. The gut is often the first entry point for exposure to bad bacteria, so protecting your gut is an important part of keeping your immune system in good condition. This is where probiotic foods and supplements some in. Probiotics are good bacteria that help you digest nutrients that boost the detoxification of your colon and support your immune system.

2. Vitamin C and D – Vitamin C foods contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that getting enough Vitamin C in your diet may help to reduce the symptoms of respiratory infections and shorten the duration of some illnesses, such as the common cold.
Knowing that the lack of Vitamin D leaves us much more susceptible to illnesses and infections, it stands to reason that getting more Vitamin D will help to boost our immune system. Traditionally, the human vitamin D system begins in the skin, not from the foods you eat. You can consume supplements or Vitamin D rich foods such as raw milk and wild-caught salmon, whitefish, sardines or tuna, but the most effective way is through natural sunlight.

3. Eat Whole Foods – A strong immune system starts in your gut. Think of the gut as the first line of defense against enemy invaders. That means what you put into your digestive system has the power to either harm or help you. Eating whole, organic foods helps to provide your body with the nutritional ammunition it needs to fight of sickness, and protect your gut from damage.

4. Exercise – Staying active and incorporating exercise into your daily and weekly routine is important to a strong immune system. It not only keeps your body in good shape and gives it energy to fend off nasty invaders, but it can also improve the gradual deterioration of the immune system.

5. Herbs – Antiviral herbs inhibit the development of viruses and boost the immune system, helping it to attack viral pathogens that are harmful to the body. Some of the top antiviral herbs include Echinacea, Elderberry, Garlic, Licorice Root, Oregano and Sage. You can incorporate these into your health routine through herbal teas, essential oils, and cooking.

6. Proper Hygiene – It goes without saying that proper hygiene (washing hands after coughing or sneezing, or if you are sick) is important for making sure we avoid germs and bad bacteria. But here is something you may NOT know: don’t clean too much! There is a balance…and you know, a little bit of dirt and mud and GOOD bacteria is also good for the immune system.

5 Tips for a Happier, Healthier Job

Business Man Working At Office, Consultant Lawyer Concept

Working in an office? Do you find yourself having back and neck pain, gaining weight, getting sick more, feeling sluggish and fatigued throughout the day… or just feeling plain uninspired and dull? Well, you are not alone.

I know working in an office environment can be tough. It can be boring, sitting at a desk for hours at a time, sitting through meetings can be grueling, conference calls with clients are annoying… Oh, and computer work! Ugh! Don’t you just have days where you want to throw it right out the window?? (There probably would be very few computers left if we all acted on that impulse every time, right? 😛 )

But I have some good news for you! Are you ready for this? Listen closely. If you put your mind to it, you can make a big difference in the way you feel physically… and mentally?

How about a few tips on how to stay healthy in your office and make your work just a little more enjoyable? Sound good? Okay! Let’s go!!!

1. Keep Proper Form and Get EXERCISE!

With all the sitting we do (in the car, at our desk, in front of the TV, etc.) we tend to get lazy with our form and start slouching and craning our heads forward, wreaking havoc on our backs and neck. We have heavy heads, and the constant forward head posture we keep from day to day not only hurts our spine, but it could also cause some of those headaches you’ve been complaining about. Make sure your chair is the right height so that your feet are flat on the ground. Keep your back straight (I know it’s hard at first) and place your computer monitor at eye level.

It is also VERY important to get plenty of exercise. Get up from your desk and do some stretches or take a quick walk around the building. Even opting for a standing desk (if possible) can do wonders. If that is not an option you can always try sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair. Have some fun while sitting at a desk! 😀

2. “You Are My Sunshine!”

A sunny day makes just about everyone feel happier, right? But I know that sometimes working in an office makes sunlight EXTREMELY limited.

During your lunch break, try getting a change of scenery. Eat lunch outside on pretty days (try even taking a walk!). Even if the day is grey (or rainy) getting out of the building and eating lunch in your car is a small way to get a relief from the everyday dreariness of indoors (and make you more productive)!

3. A Little GOOD Food Goes a Long Way

When we are sitting at a desk for many hours (and not very active) we tend to snack… A LOT. And it’s usually vending machine snacks that are full of sugar and artificial ingredients. When we fill up on these snacks we are harming our body more than we are actually feeding it. Because, let’s be honest, how many times are we snack and ACTUALLY hungry? I know I can tend to stress eat… or eat just because I am bored.

Eating a bunch of sugary snacks every day can take it’s toll on your body. Being inactive and a lot of unhealthy snacking causes unwanted fat (and weight). It can also make you susceptible to mood swings and irritability… and of course, make you feel just plain sick. 🙂

Instead of running to the vending machine or a fast food breakfast stop, opt for stocking your office area with some nuts, fruit and vegetables and, if you have a sweet tooth, try some organic chocolate. But still, you don’t need to snack all the time… even if it is good food. 🙂

4. Use Music to Chase Away Stress

There are few things worse for your long work day than starting out in a bad or stressed mood. If you have a long”ish” drive to work traffic can get pretty tiring and stressful. SO…. try listening to some uplifting music or an audio drama. They are great ways to inspire you and get your mind full of new ideas and positive thoughts (and away from the idiot drivers and long day ahead of you 😉 ). And if you are able, listen to music on your phone or iPod while you are working to keep up your spirit during the day.

5. Use Essential Oils

Lemon oil is a great uplifting smell to brighten your day and give you energy. Inhale a little bit throughout the course of the day or put a couple of drops on a cotton ball and place them in your car or around your desk.

For a little extra punch you can add Peppermint oil. 🙂

1 drop of peppermint and 2 drops of lemon to a cotton ball (adjusting amount to your preference).


God wants us to enjoy our work and be healthy in the process. I know that sometimes it is necessary to do some work that we don’t really want to and that may not be absolutely perfect for our health, but by making a few wise choices (and with a little determination), we can keep from being sick and miserable. 😀