While I know it can be hard to be stuck at home (especially with summer approaching) and nowhere to go, nothing to do…it doesn’t have to be boring! Here are 15 ideas for you to spend the long hours you are cooped up…and make them not so long, WHILE also feeling productive!
- Cook – Make some of your favorite foods OR try out that NEW recipe you have been waiting for the right time to use.
- DIY Craft Projects – We all have them lying around somewhere…and it does make you feel really productive to get it accomplished, finally.
- Spring Cleaning/Organizing
- Read a Book – Take away some stress and cabin fever by losing yourself in a good story. There are so many good ones out there!
- Exercise – You know that excuse “I don’t have time”? Yeah, not really valid here.
- Diet – See above… 😉
- Learn an Instrument – Dust off that family piano! 😛
- Family Games
- Puzzles
- Coloring Books
- Plant a Garden – Springtime! New beginnings, beauty blossoms, moods boost. You can start your own! It is actually VERY satisfying to watch things grow. 🙂
- Go for a Walk (Get OUTSIDE!!!) – Vitamin D…good for your mood AND immune system. Win Win!
- Prayer – This is a great time (when you have nothing but time) to lift up our nation and neighbors in prayer
- Epsom Salt Bath – You now have some time to relax. You can take advantage of that. Your body will thank you. It’s good for stress, muscles, and mood.
- Detox – While all canned food and boxed goods are hard to find, now is a good time to take advantage of all the fruits and veggies that are well stocked.