Glowing Beautiful Skin – What to Do and NOT Do


Our skin reflects what is going on in our body.

What happens in our gut effects what happens throughout our entire body. So you begin with the gut to cleanse the skin. Here is a list of some of my favorite “do”s and “don’t”s for healthy skin, starting with…

What Goes Inside

NO gluten – Gluten can cause inflammation and cause irritation to the gut and digestive system. Remember, what happens in the gut effects the rest of the body. Plus, the gluten in the U.S. today is highly processed and grown with chemicals that can do lots of damage to the body.

NO dairy – The dairy industry today is quite a bit different than back in the olden days. Especially that from cows. Dairy can cause inflammation and it can cause your skin to produce excess sebum which leads to clogged pores and more acne.

NO sugar – Sugar can break down the collagen in your body and your skin can lose its elasticity. It can also cause inflammation. Opt for an antioxidant honey instead.

NO highly processed foods – All the extra sugar and chemical intake from these foods wears down the collagen and elastin in your skin. It also causes inflammation in the skin, which can lead to acne breakouts. (NOTE: Processed foods can be kind of tricky to define. It’s probably a good idea to know what processed foods are.)

Stay hydrated – Even when you don’t feel like drinking water adding some cucumbers and watermelon to your diet (especially during the summer) is a delicious way to stay hydrated. 🙂

EAT probiotics – The good bacteria in probiotics helps keep your gut healthy. Having a healthy gut helps to have healthy skin.

EAT Omega-3s – Your omega-9 fatty acids are great for glowing skin. They can help soothe inflammation that can be a cause for acne breakouts as well.

EAT Vitamin C – It is well known for having antioxidant properties, and can also help against sun damage. Citrus fruits and vegetables are a great natural source of this important vitamin.

EAT Bone Broth – Bone broth is high in collagen which can help reduce inflammation and improve the skin’s elasticity.


What Goes Outside

Clean and treat your face at night. Your face gets dirty throughout the day, and your makeup can clog your pores, causing more breakouts.

Switching your products too regularly might not agree with your skin. Give the product time to work.

Look at the ingredients. Avoid chemicals and synthetic scents and colors. The closer to nature your products are, the better for your skin. Do you know how much FOOD you can put on to help your skin health?? There are a lot I could name, but I’ll just give you three favorites.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar can help to kill pathogens and helps to cleanse the skin. It contains potassium and magnesium to help balance gut bacteria, which is vital to skin health. It is also a more inexpensive product…and it can go a long way.
  • Coconut Oil – Coconut oil can help strengthen the epidermal tissue, ease sunburns and is even a good makeup remover. It contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, plus a lot of healthy fats that help nourish the gut and improve immune function. A way to improve your skin health from the inside out!
  • Raw Honey – RAW honey is full of enzymes, nutrients and vitamins for the skin. It also contains antiseptic qualities that can help with rashes, scars and wounds, and may help to reduce breakouts and contain moisturizing properties.

Essential Oils

  • Lemon – Lemon just seems to brighten up everything! And your face is no exception! It is antibacterial and it can help lighten dark spots and tone the skin. avoid applying lemon, or any citrus oil, to your skin that will be exposed to sunlight or UV light for 24 hours.
  • Lavender – Lavender contains antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics that make it great for the skin. It is one of the more gentler oils so it can be soothing for itching and burning skin. And soothing to the nose as well.
  • Frankincense – Frankincense has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It may help to strengthen and tone the skin and may improve elasticity. It may also help to reduce the appearance of scars and acne.
  • Tea Tree – Tea Tree oil has long been used in Australia to help fight inflammation, break outs and some redness on the skin. It is usually very gentle on the skin and is great when combined with a carrier oil…such as coconut oil.

5 Great Ideas For Spring Health



Spring Cleaning

Something about spring makes us want to clean and organize our homes. Cleaning out rooms and getting rid of things we don’t need or want any more makes us feel lighter and fresher. A fitting feeling for spring I would say.

However, spring cleaning shouldn’t just be focused on our homes and the “stuff” in it. I think it should also apply to our bodies as well. Cleaning up our diets and getting rid of all the yucky foods that our bodies don’t need is a great way to get that lighter, fresher feeling both inside and out! Plus, you can kill two birds with one stone and give your fridge a good cleaning out at the same time!

Food – What’s in Season?

Asparagus – This super food is chock full of Vitamins K and C! It helps feed the good bacteria in your digestive tract. Comes in handy during the seasons when our immune systems can be compromised. 

Broccoli – The Italians introduced it to us. You can cook it, boil it, steam it or just eat it raw… and get a good dose of Vitamin C, calcium and fiber.

Rhubarb – Yes, we make a famous pie out of a vegetable! In addition to being high in fiber to help with proper digestion, it is a great source of Vitamins K and C and iron.

Mango – A good dose of Vitamins C and A, full of fiber and potassium and can help your digestive system. It’s really a wonderful refreshing spring fruit!

Strawberries – On top of being delicious and very refreshing, they are high in Vitamin C to help build up your immune system during these compromising months. And they are also good for your teeth! 

Weather and Colors

It really is true that colors have an effect upon our moods. Do you like to dress in colors that match the season? Florals or brighter, happier colors than you did in the fall and winter? The changing of the seasons is a good time to brighten up your wardrobe… and even your overall mood!

Good Springtime Oils 

Jasmine – Sweet spring smell in a bottle! It lifts up your spirits and can help ease stress.

Lavender – This one is very well known. It’s sweet and uplifting smell can help to soothe stressful days, support the immune system and brighten your mood and get you eager for spring!

Lemon (other citrus oils) – Very few people can remain gloomy after smelling citrus. Lemon and orange are great for waking up the mind, and for supporting the immune system.

Peppermint – A favorite of many and a smell recognized by all, it brings alertness to your senses, supports your immune system… and makes you and your home smell wonderful!  (Peppermint is wonderful mixed with lemon…for a double whammy!)


Favorite Spring Events

The weather is so pretty! Get outside and enjoy it while it lasts! Hot scorching weather is coming… especially for Texas.

Get some exercise. Walk around your neighborhood, go for a hike or a bike ride. Take some deep breaths of fresh spring air… and take your camera with you! You might find some beautiful scenery or blooming flowers to photograph.

St. Patrick’s Day Health Food??

Homemade Corned Beef And Cabbage

“The luck o’ the Irish!” you hear. But are you really so lucky with the food? Let’s see! 🙂


“Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew!” Purple, yellow, red, sweet, russet. So many different kinds of potatoes, and so many different ways to eat ’em! 😉


Potatoes contain a large variety of nutrients including potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, vitamin C and B vitamins. They are gluten free (hooray!), full of fiber and can help with blood sugar. Purple potatoes are good for helping to regulate blood pressure. Sweet potatoes can enhance immunity, vision health and weight loss.


As with everything, use in moderation. Don’t go overboard. Potatoes are often deep fried, doused in oil and salt which can deplete their nutritional value. Instead, opt for baked, or you can make your own homemade fries.


Red cabbage is different from green cabbage… in more than just color.


Red cabbage contains a more powerful nutritional profile than green cabbage. It helps boost the immune system, can fight inflammation and, when fermented into a great probiotic such as kimchi (both red or green), it helps promote a healthy gut. 🙂 It also contains even more Vitamin C than oranges!

Green cabbage does contain about twice as much Vitamin K as red cabbage.


Again, too much of a good thing could turn into too much of a bad thing. 😉

Corned Beef


If it is made properly, corned beef can be a good source of protein, zinc and iron.


You can run into problems with a lot of the store bought cuts of corned beef meat, as you can usually find it full of artificial additives, chemicals and lots of sodium (but not the kind you want in your diet).

However, you could opt for a healthier corned beef recipe to make your Irish feast complete!


Happy cooking and…



Natural Sugar Alternatives That Still Give You the Sweetness You Crave

Different Kinds Of Sugar In The Spoons

Sugar is a real problem in our country today. We put it in everything – our average meals are packed with it, even without us knowing it.

When we cook or bake we heap more sugar into our bodies, not realizing the damage it is doing. Though some sugar is needed for proper brain function, diets high in sugar can hurt the brain and make stress much easier to attain. Regular sugar is toxic to the body. It comes from genetically modified beets and GMO corn. Americans take in 400 calories from added sugar a day. HFCS is pushed as a natural sweetener. It is produced from genetically modified corn. It is believed to lead to increased storage of fat in the liver, resulting in Fatty Liver and digestive upset.

This is not to put a damper on your life and tell you you can never have sugar. On the contrary! There are alternatives to regular sugar that you can use to satisfy your sweet tooth AND that are actually nutritious for your body! 🙂

These are much easier for your body to digest and process:

Healthy Sugar Alternatives

  • Honey – Raw honey has many health benefits, so you really want to be sure the label says “raw”. You don’t want to cook with raw honey. To make sure you are getting as much nutrients from raw honey as possible you want to keep it away from heat.
  • Coconut Sugar – Comes from coconut juice, which is full of potassium electrolytes and nutrients. This is great for baking because it is an equal comparison to sugar… without the toxins. 🙂
  • Maple Syrup – Maple syrup is higher in antioxidants than regular sugar, making it one of the healthier sugar substitutes. You want to look for Grade B or Grade C USDA-certified organic.
  • Stevia – A low-calorie, all-natural sweetener. It comes from the leaves of a flowering plant. AND, there is no sugar involved at all 🙂 . Stevia is 200 times sweeter than sugar, so be careful and don’t use the same ratio in your cooking! 🙂


I have a sweet tooth as much as anyone, but even with nutritious natural sweeteners, too much a good thing can be too much of a bad thing. Here are just a few foods you can try to help keep those sugar cravings at a healthy level.

Help Cut Sugar Cravings

  • Probiotics – Candida yeast in the body feeds on sugar. Consuming probiotics can help reduce those yeasts. Kombucha, Kefir and Greek Yogurt are some favorites.
  • Protein – Helps stabilize blood sugar levels
  • Healthy Fats – After eliminating sugar, the body turns to fat for energy. Eating healthy fats is a much better way to fuel the body. Avocado, nuts, coconut oil… just to name a few.
  • Herbs and Spices – Ginger and Tumeric have anti-inflammatory properties and can help with blood sugar.

In Summeeeerrrr!!!



Summer is such a fun time! Lots of things to do… lots of sun… and all things hot… 😉 But amidst all the fun and games, comes some very important things to remember to make this a wonderful, fun and healthy summer for everyone! So how about some warnings, tips, and some ideas to get the summer fun started out right?


  • Dehydration – With the heat and all the outdoor activities this season it is very easy to forget to drink enough water, and we sweat off more than we take in.
  • Sunstroke – Along with dehydration comes this risk. Not drinking enough water has a lot to do with it, but other factors include not eating the right foods, eating the WRONG foods and drink and not allowing your body to cool down in intense heat.
  • Sunburn (Sunscreen) – I think we all would like to avoid getting hot, crispy, red skin, so sunscreen is needed (especially around water). But we also need to be mindful of the sunscreen we use, since that can cause just as much damage as sunburn.
  • Bugs (bug spray) – Bugs are a pest this time of year, aren’t they? Mosquitoes ESPECIALLY. So keep bug spray handy. Again, be mindful of the kind you use. I’ll talk more about this a little further down. 🙂



  • Drink plenty of water – One of the best things you can do during the summer. If you are sweating a lot, you need to be putting that water back into your body.
  • Food (watermelon, strawberries, salad, chicken) – Eating foods in season is very delicious! And the summer season has some very wonderful choices to choose from to make these hot months a little easier on our bodies!
  • Essential Oils – Many EOs have wonderful health benefits for the summer months: Tea Tree and Citronella help REPEL the bugs before they get to you, but if some manage to sneak past and bite you (the little devils 😛 ) Lavender helps soothe those itchy bug bites and also for sunburn relief, Orange and Lemon brighten up your day and can help you feel refreshed and ready for each hot day ahead, and Peppermint helps to keep away mosquitoes AND is a great cooling agent. 🙂
  • Sunscreen (Don’t let the clouds fool you) – Keep in mind, even if the sun is hidden behind the clouds all day, you can still look like a tomato the next day. 😛
  • Drinks – It’s important to stay hydrated during the hot summer months. However, along with getting enough good hydrating liquids, you should also avoid the liquids that can DEHYDRATE you: Soda, Fruit Juice and Iced Coffee are some popular summer drinks that make it on the “Avoid It” list.

Fun Events: 

  • Camping – Nothing like spending a few days in God’s beautiful nature! Remember to pack your bug spray!
  • Swimming (keep a clean pool!) – A favorite summer pastime is getting into the water. Maybe swimming laps, having a water fight with your friends or family, or even just relaxing in the nice cool gentle waves.
  • Picnics – Get the kids in car, pack the basket with lots of delicious healthy food (make sure the lemonade is ice cold), and let’s head to the lake!
  • Sports – Summer is a great season to spend time outdoors. There are a lot of sports to play with friends, but be sure and bring water! 😉


Tell me what some of your favorite summer past-times are, and what you like to do to stay healthy and active when the heat gets super intense! 🙂

Have a fantastic summer!



Delicious Green Foods for Springtime!


It’s spring time… and St. Patrick’s Day in the same month! It’s time to bring out the green! Green shirts, green decorations, green food… wait, what?

Yes, your first thought of green food MAY not be a pleasant one, but let me reassure you: Green is such a delicious color! There are so many great healthy foods and recipes you can make. So when you plan your next St. Patty’s day party (or even just a spring get together) and you want to go all out with color of the season… you’re covered! 🙂

  • Avocados – A great source of healthy fats, protein and fiber, there are so many delicious dishes you can make with avocados. From smoothies, to brownies, to chocolate mousse, to the ever popular guacamole. 🙂
  • Broccoli – Raw or cooked, this green vegetable is high in calcium and good for your eyes. Place them on a vegetable tray to serve to guests or serve them cooked with a little bit of sea salt sprinkled on top.
  • Cucumbers – This green vegetable is great for hydration and detoxification. Throw some slices of cucumber and limes in some water for a nice hydrating drink.
  • Green Apples – Top the slices with cinnamon and you have a sweet and nutritious dish that can help your heart and digestive system.
  • Green Cabbage – Cabbage feels like a must-have on St. Patrick’s day. It is also very good for you, giving your body some much needed iron and vitamin C.
  • Green Tea – There is more than one type of green tea… but whatever kind, and whether you drink it hot or cold, it boosts your heart health, brain health and helps weight loss. So make a cup, try adding lemon or orange juice for a refreshing burst of flavor… or, if tea is not your thing but you still want the benefits, you can try adding some chilled green tea to ice cream, or make a green tea and mango smoothie.
  • Limes – Boost your immunity and enjoy some refreshing drinks (limeade is a favorite) AND dessert. It’s a win win!
  • Spinach – A fresh garden salad on a spring day is so refreshing. Toss in some fresh kale for some added antioxidants and detox ability.

Now that we have had our daily dose of fruits and vegetables, it is time for dessert. Have some mint… and add it to your ice cream! 🙂

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream


A few other delicious green foods you can add to the list are honeydew, kiwi, green beans and asparagus. 🙂

Shopping on a Dime!

Grocery food shopping bag - vegetables, fruits, bread and pasta

Let’s talk about finances!!!

I know, it’s everyone’s favorite subject. 🙂 But I am going to talk about how you can still shop and buy all that you need for a healthy living while you are on a pretty tight budget. I know you are always looking for ways to save money… but you don’t want to go hungry, either.

So! Let’s get right down to it, shall we?!

1. Make a Meal Plan

Plan ahead. The key to staying on or under budget. When you write a meal plan for the week it helps you to make out your shopping list and plan accordingly for each meal and gives you ideas on what to look for in weekly specials and savings.

2. Don’t Shop Hungry

When you are hungry it is so much easier to let temptation get the better of you. You could end up walking out with things you don’t really need. Try going on your shopping trip after you eat… or at least have a snack. 😉

3. Use Coupons

Checking online at your store’s website (or if you get ads mailed to your house each week) just before you go out can send you off with some good savings in your hand.

4. Stick to Your List

This is very important. Only put items on the list that you need for that week (and that are within your set spending budget) and stick to it! If you purchase items that are not on your list you will see how very quickly you can exceed your budget. Now this can be hard, and there are allowed exceptions (such as a few items that you forgot to put on the list), but for the majority of the time avoid things that are not on your shopping list. Your budget will thank you.

5. Freeze Fruits and Vegetables

Buying fresh fruits and vegetables while they are on sale and freezing them not only helps save you some money in the long run… but it also helps them last longer. Just be sure to write the name and date on the bag. 🙂

*As a side note: only purchase fruits and vegetables in bulk when it is within your budget and on your list. This is where planning ahead and looking at your weekly specials comes in handy for writing out your shopping list.

6. Get Creative With Meals

Be careful about wasting food. That is where most of our food budget goes down the drain (quite literally 😀 ). Try making meals where you can reuse your leftovers to create a completely new meal for the next day. Or devote one day a week to being leftover night. You can make a little bit of food stretch out longer… without losing any of its “deliciousness”. 🙂

Here are some idea recipes you could try (just to get your brain storming moving 😛 )

Chicken Casserole

Vegetable Beef Soup

7. Cut Back on Other Articles

Budgeting doesn’t have to be limited to just the food side of your bill. We spend a lot more money than we realize on (and use a lot of) different cleaning supplies. You can cut a large chunk out of your spending (and toxins) by making your own…

Laundry Soap

Dish Soap and

House Cleaners


Happy shopping, everyone!

Build a Better Defense and Enjoy Your Winter


It’s that time again people! Are you ready for another bout of achy muscles, inflamed sinuses, sore and raw throat, and having to put your life on hold because you are too sick to function? I thought not.

No one likes to spend their winter indoors because they HAVE to. Sure, we don’t mind staying home and lying around from time to time when we have a choice – we aren’t feeling horrible while we do and we can perhaps get some things accomplished off of our to do list.

We also don’t want to create a domino effect and put our whole family in quarantine (have you noticed how powerfully it effects large families?) 😉 Though this seems to be the norm during this time of year, it doesn’t have to be for you. There are some very simple steps you can take to minimize the effects of the winter bug, or even avoid it all together. Here are some of my favorites:

1. Food

80% of the immune system is in the digestive tract. One of the biggest defense tools you can give your body is filling it with lots of good superfoods and staying away from foods that weigh your body down and weaken your defense walls. So load up on some vitamin c, green leafy vegetables, probiotics and even some bone broth (smoothies are awesome). Be sure to chew well so it is easier for you to digest… and eliminate. Hydrate well, guys!

Stay away from those foods that can irritate the gut such as processed/fried foods, sugar and artificial sweeteners.

2. Exercise

It’s generally not thought about, but getting exercise can help you sleep better. It also helps increase circulation and keep your body in good strength for its defense. So keep up that daily workout routine! It will also help keep you warm, if you are not a fan of cold weather. 😉

3. Essential Oils

There are several essential oils that can help build up your immune system AND help build you up while you are down with the bug. 😉  Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Lemon are some of my favorites.

Peppermint and Eucalyptus help to clear the airways and can also help to relax your muscles. Plus, peppermint always smells amazing. 🙂

Lemon helps with lymphatic drainage and can help settle your stomach.

*Not every oil is going to work the same way for every person. Muscle testing is a great way for you to find out what oil your body needs. Contact me if you want to know more about muscle testing with oils.

4. Sleep

Getting your rest is an important part of staying healthy. If your body is too tired, it has no energy left to fight off illness. I know it is hard (I’m still trying to teach myself), but sometimes you should just turn off your computer, put away your work and get some sleep.


So go out there and enjoy your winter!

5 Tips for a Happier, Healthier Job

Business Man Working At Office, Consultant Lawyer Concept

Working in an office? Do you find yourself having back and neck pain, gaining weight, getting sick more, feeling sluggish and fatigued throughout the day… or just feeling plain uninspired and dull? Well, you are not alone.

I know working in an office environment can be tough. It can be boring, sitting at a desk for hours at a time, sitting through meetings can be grueling, conference calls with clients are annoying… Oh, and computer work! Ugh! Don’t you just have days where you want to throw it right out the window?? (There probably would be very few computers left if we all acted on that impulse every time, right? 😛 )

But I have some good news for you! Are you ready for this? Listen closely. If you put your mind to it, you can make a big difference in the way you feel physically… and mentally?

How about a few tips on how to stay healthy in your office and make your work just a little more enjoyable? Sound good? Okay! Let’s go!!!

1. Keep Proper Form and Get EXERCISE!

With all the sitting we do (in the car, at our desk, in front of the TV, etc.) we tend to get lazy with our form and start slouching and craning our heads forward, wreaking havoc on our backs and neck. We have heavy heads, and the constant forward head posture we keep from day to day not only hurts our spine, but it could also cause some of those headaches you’ve been complaining about. Make sure your chair is the right height so that your feet are flat on the ground. Keep your back straight (I know it’s hard at first) and place your computer monitor at eye level.

It is also VERY important to get plenty of exercise. Get up from your desk and do some stretches or take a quick walk around the building. Even opting for a standing desk (if possible) can do wonders. If that is not an option you can always try sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair. Have some fun while sitting at a desk! 😀

2. “You Are My Sunshine!”

A sunny day makes just about everyone feel happier, right? But I know that sometimes working in an office makes sunlight EXTREMELY limited.

During your lunch break, try getting a change of scenery. Eat lunch outside on pretty days (try even taking a walk!). Even if the day is grey (or rainy) getting out of the building and eating lunch in your car is a small way to get a relief from the everyday dreariness of indoors (and make you more productive)!

3. A Little GOOD Food Goes a Long Way

When we are sitting at a desk for many hours (and not very active) we tend to snack… A LOT. And it’s usually vending machine snacks that are full of sugar and artificial ingredients. When we fill up on these snacks we are harming our body more than we are actually feeding it. Because, let’s be honest, how many times are we snack and ACTUALLY hungry? I know I can tend to stress eat… or eat just because I am bored.

Eating a bunch of sugary snacks every day can take it’s toll on your body. Being inactive and a lot of unhealthy snacking causes unwanted fat (and weight). It can also make you susceptible to mood swings and irritability… and of course, make you feel just plain sick. 🙂

Instead of running to the vending machine or a fast food breakfast stop, opt for stocking your office area with some nuts, fruit and vegetables and, if you have a sweet tooth, try some organic chocolate. But still, you don’t need to snack all the time… even if it is good food. 🙂

4. Use Music to Chase Away Stress

There are few things worse for your long work day than starting out in a bad or stressed mood. If you have a long”ish” drive to work traffic can get pretty tiring and stressful. SO…. try listening to some uplifting music or an audio drama. They are great ways to inspire you and get your mind full of new ideas and positive thoughts (and away from the idiot drivers and long day ahead of you 😉 ). And if you are able, listen to music on your phone or iPod while you are working to keep up your spirit during the day.

5. Use Essential Oils

Lemon oil is a great uplifting smell to brighten your day and give you energy. Inhale a little bit throughout the course of the day or put a couple of drops on a cotton ball and place them in your car or around your desk.

For a little extra punch you can add Peppermint oil. 🙂

1 drop of peppermint and 2 drops of lemon to a cotton ball (adjusting amount to your preference).


God wants us to enjoy our work and be healthy in the process. I know that sometimes it is necessary to do some work that we don’t really want to and that may not be absolutely perfect for our health, but by making a few wise choices (and with a little determination), we can keep from being sick and miserable. 😀

Happy Healthy Kids for Life

Small group of happy children outdoor

We all want our kids to be happy and healthy. But how do we do that? What should be on our priority list and where should we draw the line?

The truth is, those are questions I can’t answer for you. Every parent has to make the decision about what is best for their kids. However, there are some general tips that we all should take into consideration. After all, our child’s health should be our main priority.

1. Be Careful of the “Food Trap”

Our society has several “health” foods that they try to sell us for our kids, making us think we are feeding kids good food. But that is not true. So many of those “health” foods have fillers and preservatives hidden in the ingredients… and have next to nothing in the way of nutrients.

Feed your kids plenty of organic protein (found in eggs, raw dairy, and grass fed beef), fruits and vegetables are a must, and good fats are a positive (avocados, salmon, coconut oil). Stay away from processed foods, sugar and artificially flavored and colored snacks.


2. Limit Screen Time

Today kid’s spend the majority of their day sitting in front of the TV or the computer, or on their cell phones. And it’s starting at younger and younger ages. It is not only taking away their childhood, but it’s causing some serious health damages. Too much screen time has been linked to sleep disorders, childhood obesity, less positive brain function and behavior problems. It’s time to detox screen time and get those kids moving…

Which brings me to number three…


3. Dirty is the New Clean

It may seem weird and a little contradictory but this is one of the best ways to raise healthy kids. Let them be kids. Let them get dirty, it won’t hurt them. In fact, it’s good for them. Don’t be overly sterile. Fresh air and nature – a child’s best friend… and a parent’s.

So kick them outside and let them explore and move. Kids have a natural energy that we have been discouraging by keeping them inside and giving them all these devices that keep them glued to a couch. The body was made to move – and that is especially important in young children. And, hey, join them in outdoor activities as well. You could use the exercise, too 🙂

Enjoy the time with your kids. They will love it and you will treasure it.

Remember, if you start your kids out with good healthy habits, they will stick as they grow older.