6 Things That Weaken Your Immune System

Over the past several years we have gotten further away from the natural lifestyle that God intended for us to live for the best health we can have on this earth. Instead of turning to the products and resources He has placed here for us, that are meant to attack the root problem, we turn to medications and other expensive treatments that just stop the symptoms and ignore the true problem…while at the same time creating even more health side effects we didn’t bargain for.

6 Things that Weaken Your Immune System

1. Lack of Vitamin D – Vitamin D is very important to a strong immune system. More and more evidence is showing that a vitamin d deficiency is a big culprit in increased susceptibility to infections and illnesses.

2. Stress – Chronic stress has been shown to suppress protective immune responses, weakens our internal organs and leave us more susceptible to disease. It actually really confuses your immune system. It triggers immune overreactions and under-reactions. The overreactions can leave you struggling with autoimmune symptoms. Immune system under-reactions could leave you catching every cold, flu, or other bug that’s going around. It’s a hard one to avoid, but it is one that we all need to reduce in our daily life for optimum health.

3. Sugar and Processed Foods – Consuming refined sugars can cause chronic inflammation in the body, and it has been shown to shut down white blood cell production for up to five hours. Processed foods and diets high in sugar can cause gut damages (the first line of defense in the immune system), and cause other organs, such as the brain, heart and liver to not function properly.

4. Lack of Good Quality Sleep – It’s not just getting enough sleep, though it is important to get at least 7 hours, but you also need to be sure you are getting GOOD QUALITY sleep. When you aren’t getting enough quality sleep, or enough sleep in general, your immune system won’t be able to function properly. Try turning off your devices at least an hour before bedtime and sleep in a dark, cool (but not cold) room.

5. Lack of Physical Touch – Physical touch has been shown to boost the immune system. Hugs strengthen the immune system…The gentle pressure on the sternum and the emotional charge this creates stimulates the thymus gland. This regulates and balances the body’s production of white blood cells. Hugging also induces the “stress buffering effect”, where the individual who is hugged often is less likely to become sick due to stress-induced illness.

6. Using Harsh Chemicals and Cleaners – In order to keep the immune system continuously protected from very harmful bacteria and viruses, the microbiome of our skin requires some level of pathogens and bacteria. Using all these harsh cleaners and anti-bacterial soaps destroy the natural dirt that our body actually relies on to stay healthy. Researchers have found that exposure to outdoor microbes (such as dirt) is linked to a stronger more robust immune system.


6 Things to Boost Your Immune System

After finding out everything that damages our immune system, it’s always nice to know what we can do to get our defenses back up and in working order again.

1. Probiotics – Did you know that your gut health and immune system are linked? Seventy to eighty percent of your immune tissue is located in your digestive system. The gut is often the first entry point for exposure to bad bacteria, so protecting your gut is an important part of keeping your immune system in good condition. This is where probiotic foods and supplements some in. Probiotics are good bacteria that help you digest nutrients that boost the detoxification of your colon and support your immune system.

2. Vitamin C and D – Vitamin C foods contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that getting enough Vitamin C in your diet may help to reduce the symptoms of respiratory infections and shorten the duration of some illnesses, such as the common cold.
Knowing that the lack of Vitamin D leaves us much more susceptible to illnesses and infections, it stands to reason that getting more Vitamin D will help to boost our immune system. Traditionally, the human vitamin D system begins in the skin, not from the foods you eat. You can consume supplements or Vitamin D rich foods such as raw milk and wild-caught salmon, whitefish, sardines or tuna, but the most effective way is through natural sunlight.

3. Eat Whole Foods – A strong immune system starts in your gut. Think of the gut as the first line of defense against enemy invaders. That means what you put into your digestive system has the power to either harm or help you. Eating whole, organic foods helps to provide your body with the nutritional ammunition it needs to fight of sickness, and protect your gut from damage.

4. Exercise – Staying active and incorporating exercise into your daily and weekly routine is important to a strong immune system. It not only keeps your body in good shape and gives it energy to fend off nasty invaders, but it can also improve the gradual deterioration of the immune system.

5. Herbs – Antiviral herbs inhibit the development of viruses and boost the immune system, helping it to attack viral pathogens that are harmful to the body. Some of the top antiviral herbs include Echinacea, Elderberry, Garlic, Licorice Root, Oregano and Sage. You can incorporate these into your health routine through herbal teas, essential oils, and cooking.

6. Proper Hygiene – It goes without saying that proper hygiene (washing hands after coughing or sneezing, or if you are sick) is important for making sure we avoid germs and bad bacteria. But here is something you may NOT know: don’t clean too much! There is a balance…and you know, a little bit of dirt and mud and GOOD bacteria is also good for the immune system.

Glowing Beautiful Skin – What to Do and NOT Do


Our skin reflects what is going on in our body.

What happens in our gut effects what happens throughout our entire body. So you begin with the gut to cleanse the skin. Here is a list of some of my favorite “do”s and “don’t”s for healthy skin, starting with…

What Goes Inside

NO gluten – Gluten can cause inflammation and cause irritation to the gut and digestive system. Remember, what happens in the gut effects the rest of the body. Plus, the gluten in the U.S. today is highly processed and grown with chemicals that can do lots of damage to the body.

NO dairy – The dairy industry today is quite a bit different than back in the olden days. Especially that from cows. Dairy can cause inflammation and it can cause your skin to produce excess sebum which leads to clogged pores and more acne.

NO sugar – Sugar can break down the collagen in your body and your skin can lose its elasticity. It can also cause inflammation. Opt for an antioxidant honey instead.

NO highly processed foods – All the extra sugar and chemical intake from these foods wears down the collagen and elastin in your skin. It also causes inflammation in the skin, which can lead to acne breakouts. (NOTE: Processed foods can be kind of tricky to define. It’s probably a good idea to know what processed foods are.)

Stay hydrated – Even when you don’t feel like drinking water adding some cucumbers and watermelon to your diet (especially during the summer) is a delicious way to stay hydrated. 🙂

EAT probiotics – The good bacteria in probiotics helps keep your gut healthy. Having a healthy gut helps to have healthy skin.

EAT Omega-3s – Your omega-9 fatty acids are great for glowing skin. They can help soothe inflammation that can be a cause for acne breakouts as well.

EAT Vitamin C – It is well known for having antioxidant properties, and can also help against sun damage. Citrus fruits and vegetables are a great natural source of this important vitamin.

EAT Bone Broth – Bone broth is high in collagen which can help reduce inflammation and improve the skin’s elasticity.


What Goes Outside

Clean and treat your face at night. Your face gets dirty throughout the day, and your makeup can clog your pores, causing more breakouts.

Switching your products too regularly might not agree with your skin. Give the product time to work.

Look at the ingredients. Avoid chemicals and synthetic scents and colors. The closer to nature your products are, the better for your skin. Do you know how much FOOD you can put on to help your skin health?? There are a lot I could name, but I’ll just give you three favorites.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar can help to kill pathogens and helps to cleanse the skin. It contains potassium and magnesium to help balance gut bacteria, which is vital to skin health. It is also a more inexpensive product…and it can go a long way.
  • Coconut Oil – Coconut oil can help strengthen the epidermal tissue, ease sunburns and is even a good makeup remover. It contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, plus a lot of healthy fats that help nourish the gut and improve immune function. A way to improve your skin health from the inside out!
  • Raw Honey – RAW honey is full of enzymes, nutrients and vitamins for the skin. It also contains antiseptic qualities that can help with rashes, scars and wounds, and may help to reduce breakouts and contain moisturizing properties.

Essential Oils

  • Lemon – Lemon just seems to brighten up everything! And your face is no exception! It is antibacterial and it can help lighten dark spots and tone the skin. avoid applying lemon, or any citrus oil, to your skin that will be exposed to sunlight or UV light for 24 hours.
  • Lavender – Lavender contains antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics that make it great for the skin. It is one of the more gentler oils so it can be soothing for itching and burning skin. And soothing to the nose as well.
  • Frankincense – Frankincense has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It may help to strengthen and tone the skin and may improve elasticity. It may also help to reduce the appearance of scars and acne.
  • Tea Tree – Tea Tree oil has long been used in Australia to help fight inflammation, break outs and some redness on the skin. It is usually very gentle on the skin and is great when combined with a carrier oil…such as coconut oil.

4 Simple Steps to Help Clear and Maintain Healthy Skin


We would all love to have clear, flawless skin, right? But we can never seem to get rid of those annoying wrinkles or those pesky red spots. Just when you get rid of one two more pop up somewhere else. Usually we rush for some treatment we see on a commercial (those people have perfect skin so it must work, right?). But the chemicals in those treatments make our problem worse.

Here are 4 natural tips to try and minimize acne and other other problems and help maintain clear and healthy skin.

1. Stress

Stress causes hormone imbalances which results in many skin problems, such as acne, eczema, hives and psoriasis. Stress hormones increase oil production, which can lead to clogged pores and whiteheads.

Take time each day to relax. Take a walk in nature, soak in a tub, listen to music or read a book. Whatever make you calm down and leave your cares behind you for a while.

2. Eat the Right Foods

A portion of the body’s toxic waste is eliminated through sweating. If the body has more toxins than the kidneys and liver can get rid of effectively, the skin takes over and the toxins escape through the skin. This can disrupt the skin’s health integrity and cause skin disorders.

It may be cliche to read “you are what you eat.” Actually, you are what you digest. What you put into your body that isn’t used well can come out through your skin in the forms of hives, acne and eczema and many other skin disorders. Avoid processed foods, artificial flavors and high amounts of sugar. Be sure and drink plenty of distilled water and consume foods rich in vitamin E, Biotin and antioxidants, such as berries, almonds and salmon.

3. Avoid Chemicals

Using harsh chemicals and dyes can irritate skin follicles and clog pores. This increases acne and many chemicals can also dry out the skin and cause redness. This includes conventional household cleaning products AND your skincare products. It may be time to clean out your skincare routine and check up on the ingredients in your makeups and beauty products.

4. Essential Oils

Essential Oils are a great way to clear and rejuvenate the skin. Most essential oils are gentle on the skin and they get to the root of the problem instead of just treating the symptom. Essential oils have the power to kill the bad bacteria in your skin. Lavender oil also is great for protecting the skin from irritation and soothing stress.

*Not every essential oil used by one person may be the one that is right for you. I recommend testing each one to see what works for you.  Bring me your oils and let me teach you muscle testing to discover what oils work for you.

Are Our “Healthy” Foods Truly Healthy?


It is essential to our body’s health that we eat good foods. This, I believe, is something on which we can all agree. But are our “healthy” foods also making us sick?

It is agreed in our nation that we should be getting lots of fruits and vegetables in our diet. That’s healthy, right? But have we actually given much thought to how our fruits and vegetables are grown? And to what goes on them?

For years, the way crops in the U.S. have been grown and harvested to produce more yield and to speed the process of harvesting, has been causing more harm to our bodies than good. Produce grown on conventional farms are sprayed with pesticides and chemicals to kill bugs and make the harvesting process easier. However, those chemicals are killing more than just insects that seek to eat our produce. Those pesticides and chemicals contain the deadly active ingredient: glyphosate. Scientific studies are showing that these chemicals are not only killing the bad bacteria in the soil, but it is also toxic to the good bacteria. Healthy soil repels bugs because it grows at a frequency that bugs cannot digest. When we grow our food in healthy soil with proper PH, we shouldn’t have such a pest problem. And that is what we are putting into our bodies when we eat the foods that have been treated with pesticides and other chemicals.

What To Do?

So how can we avoid all of this in our food? While we may not be able to completely rid ourselves of these chemicals, here are some steps we can take to lessen our exposure to them:

1. Buy Organic When Possible

Though it is more expensive, buying foods such as wheat, berries, apples, grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach and peppers organically would be a better option.

2. Wash Fruits and Vegetables

When buying conventional fruits and vegetables, be sure and wash them under water, rubbing them with your fingers. This will help to get rid of the residue from the pesticides.

3. Grow Your Own Garden

There are many advantages to growing your own food. It can save you money, and you know where it comes from and can be in control over what is sprayed on it. Though it can be hard to keep bugs away from your garden, there are natural and harmless things you can try. Some farms use Basil oil on their plants to deter little pests.

Something else we can do is to check the sugar content of our produce to see if it is grown properly. Dr. Carey Reams reveals that food grown properly WILL NOT rot, but dehydrate.








4 Things To Know To Make The Switch To Green Beauty Products



Once you know about all of the harmful chemicals common in cosmetics, you may find it hard to continue using the same old toxic products with a clean conscience. This is a good thing! The first step is to educate yourself, the second step is to make a change. It can be an intimidating transition, but before you make the switch, you must know these four things.


1. You don’t have to trash all of your makeup immediately.

Dumping your entire makeup bag in the trash is kind of a drastic move, and an expensive one at that, especially if you recently treated yourself to a brand new eye shadow palette. Instead, just replace items as they run out. This way, you won’t incur any sudden expenses and you can give yourself time to explore other brands and options rather than wholly committing to a green beauty brand that you might end up hating!

2. You don’t have to trash all toxic products, even though you feel pressured to.

We all want to be perfectly wholesome, but sometimes it is hard. The natural beauty movement is slow going, and there are simply some conventionally made products for which there is no equivalent alternative. Be okay with not being perfect. Think about one or two products you consider to be your ‘holy grail’ and which products you feel more comfortable about letting go of. Prioritize replacing the latter products first, and in the end you may find that you are ready to replace your holy grail products. If not? I say no biggie. Just keep your eyes open for healthier options and in the meantime enjoy the products that make you happy.

 3. You don’t have to memorize every toxic ingredient.

Although we live in toxic times, we are also fortunate to live in the time of the smart phone. Use informative websites such as Skin Deep or apps like Think Dirty when you’re in the make up aisle to double check that what you’re buying is clean. I can tell you from experience that this is a much better alternative to struggling to read ingredients on the side of eyeliner pencil in the middle of Target.

4. You can ask for samples.

Just because a cosmetic company uses non toxic ingredients doesn’t mean that it will wear well or agree with your skin. So, even though you may feel shy about it, ask for samples! If you are going to make an investment in your health it may as well be an investment in beauty, am I right? Only sample one product at a time so, in case of a reaction, you can be sure which product caused it.


The Dirty Dozen: Ingredients in Cosmetics to Avoid

Source: Maria Morri


Go grab any cosmetic item in your makeup bag. Does it have the ingredients listed? If it does, read the first five ingredients. Do you recognize all of them? Most likely not. Modern day cosmetics are a mish mash of chemicals and additives, all with the intent of making the product last longer or wear smoother. Is it worth it, though? I say no–poisoning my body isn’t worth any amount of beauty! Luckily, though, there ARE green beauty products that won’t harm you and might actually be good for you! Not all of them are labeled as such, so grab your makeup bags and prepare to throw away any ingredients using any of the following ingredients.



These chemicals have been classified as possible carcinogens. Unfortunately, they are used in moisturizers and lipsticks as preservatives, which means they are getting absorbed into your skin and licked into your mouth. Long term exposure to these products has been shown to cause problems with the kidney, thyroid, and liver. These chemicals are harmful to fish and other wildlife.


This sneaky ingredient can also be listed as “P-phenylenediamine” or “CI” followed by a number. This is a possible carcinogen, and products with this ingredient might be contaminated with heavy metals which can cause brain toxicity. Coal Tar Dyes are often found in pigmented cosmetics such as lipsticks.


DEA is a foaming agent used in moisturizers and shampoos to make them creamy and lush. It is a hormone disruptor and can cause stunting in fetal brain development. There is limited evidence of it being a carcinogen, but I wouldn’t chance it. This chemical is harmful to fish and other wildlife.


This is a toxin and endocrine disruptor often used in nail care products. It has been observed to cause problems with the kidney, thyroid, and liver. It is harmful to fish and other wildlife.


Formaldehyde has been shown to cause many adverse health effects, including immune-system toxicity, respiratory irritation and cancer. For some reason, it is still used in baby soap, nail polish, eyelash glue and hair dyes. Keep an eye out for ingredients like DMDM hydantoin, diazolidinyl urea, imidazolidinyl urea, methenamine, quaternium-15, and sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, as they break down and release tiny amounts of formaldehyde in your body, which can build up and cause the issues listed above.

6. PARABENS (methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, butyl-, isobutyl-)

About 70-90% of cosmetics contain parabens, which means that this will be a difficult one to avoid, but thankfully now that the green beauty movement is gaining more speed, there are more paraben-free products on the market. Parabens have been shown to cause interference with male reproductive functions. Parabens break down in the body to form a chemical that has been linked to estrogenic activity in breast cancer cultures (translation: that is bad news!).


This is another difficult one, because it seems that every cosmetic product has a fragrance in it–even mascara! There are over 3,000 different products used to create fragrances, but in an ingredients list they will all be lumped together as ‘parfum’ or ‘fragrance.’ The problem with this is that some fragrance products can trigger asthma or allergic reactions, and others can be linked to cancer or neurotoxicity. Many fragrance products are also harmful to fish and wildlife.


PEG compounds are use as thickening agents, moisture carriers, and solvents in cream based cosmetics. PEG compounds aren’t inherently bad for you, but depending on how they are processed, they can be contaminated with carcinogenic substances like ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane. Even on their own, PEG compounds can cause skin irritation so it is best to avoid this product.


Petrolatum is a petroleum jelly that is used in hair products to add shine and in lip balms, lip sticks, and moisturizers as a moisture barrier. This product is often contaminated with PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), which are known carcinogens. In smaller doses, Petrolatum can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation. On the ingredients list, also look for it listed as “petroleum” or “liquid paraffin.”


These ingredients are often used as smoothing agents in shampoos and deodorants. Many have been found to impair fertility and cause hormonal disruptions, and they are also harmful to fish and other wildlife. Look for ingredients ending in “-siloxane” or “-methicone.”


Similar to PEG compounds, this ingredient can contain 1,4-dioxane which is a known carcinogen. These are often found in foaming substances such as shampoos, bubble baths, and cleansers.


This is an antibacterial agent which is a suspected endocrine disruptor and may contribute to antibiotic resistance in bacteria. It is found in cleansers, toothpastes, and deodorants. It is important to limit your use of antibacterial items as overuse is ultimately harmful.



Eighty percent of cosmetic products contain one or more of these dirty dozen chemicals. When you check your makeup bag for these ingredients, you might find that your percentage is even higher! It is important to stay vigilant about the ingredients of the products you use. It doesn’t make much sense to obsess over eating organically just to smear your face with carcinogenic products, does it? With so many harmful ingredients at large, it can be pretty overwhelming trying to keep your bag clean. Next post I will suggest some tips to help you shop for green beauty products!