Paleo, Keto, Vegetarian, Vegan… the elimination diet… more protein, less grains, none of this, a little more of that… counting calories, not counting calories…
It’s not really about one being better than the other, one working and one not. Though, I do think doing an elimination diet for a few weeks is a good idea to help you understand your body better and what is harming you and what is helping you.
Choosing one diet over another doesn’t mean the others are bad and one person does not have to eat the same way as another. This is not a “One size fits all”. Each body is different (build, genes, makeup, autoimmune, etc.) and needs different things and reacts negatively to different things, even if it is a food that is supposed to be good for you.
So…what should I do? Just eat whatever I want because it doesn’t matter what I do?
Absolutely not! We should all strive to take care of our bodies the best we can. Be well informed and know our body’s language well enough to discern what it needs and what it doesn’t.
It should a lifestyle change, guys! It’s not jumping on one bandwagon because it sounds good at the time or is popular among your friends or family, and then jumping off a little ways down the track because it was too much work or didn’t do what you thought it would. It means changing the way you live (and eat) because you know it is best for your body and you want to take the best care of what God has given you the best way you can.
Unfortunately, it may be a while of feeling like you are taking one step forward and two steps back, feeling like you know nothing, and, yes, even some times of your body feeling and looking so yuck you wonder if it is even worth it. But DON’T GIVE UP!
Be Informed
You can do research, listen to those you trust about what helps/supports what… but also LISTEN and KNOW your body! Yes, this healthy food or diet could be good for this issue, but it may not be what your body needs. Watch how your body reacts to foods, listen to what YOUR body is telling you…not everyone else’s.
One Way is NOT the Only Way
This one diet may be the most popular at the moment, but it doesn’t mean it is for everyone. Don’t feel pressured into jumping on the bandwagon just because it is the “thing”. Figure out what is best for YOUR body.
Don’t Give Up
It gets tough sometimes. It takes hard work, patience, self control and determination to change your lifestyle. It’s not a quick fix. There are going to be times when you think nothing is working, or “Do we even know what is right?” when you hear so many seemingly contradicting information…or just even a fine line between the balance. But it’s worth it! Keep going! You CAN do it!
Don’t Stress!
Yeah, not that simple, right? It’s very tempting to stress about your health. You’re trying to do everything right, but nothing seems to work. We all stress at times like these, I know I do. But stressing fixes nothing, and it can actually make your body’s health worse. We all need to not stress! When you hit a bump, just take some deep breaths, keep going and try something else.
So let’s get out there and change all these from “fads” to lifestyle changes!