6 Surprising Vitamin C Foods!


What is Vitamin C?

An important water-soluble vitamin that also doubles as a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C is crucial to our health. While Vitamin C also plays a role in many aspects of our health (including wound healing, bone formation, and the development of connective tissues in the body), being deficient in Vitamin C can cause havoc on just about everything from immune system function to skin health to energy levels.

Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms:

While the most well-known Vitamin C deficiency disease is scurvy (with symptoms like bleeding gums, loose teeth and skin rashes), there are several more symptoms that could point out we are lacking in this important vitamin:


-Poor Immune System



-Bleeding Gums

-Weakened Bones

-Dry Skin

-Easy Bruising

-Nail Issues

-Dry/Splitting Hair


Vitamin C Benefits:

And these are just the tips of the iceberg!

-Powerful in Antioxidants – Antioxidants play a large role in health. They help fight off free radicals, minimize oxidative stress and damage to your cells. They may also help with multiple chronic conditions, including heart disease and autoimmune disorders. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, helping fight free radicals and protect the body against disease.

-Heart Health – Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. It works tirelessly to provide your cells with the oxygen and nutrients they need. Getting more Vitamin C foods into your diet may help protect the health of your heart and prevent heart disease.

-Glowing Skin – The antioxidant content in Vitamin C benefits skin health in a variety of different ways. Due to its involvement in the synthesis of collagen, Vitamin C can help slow down skin aging, protect the skin against damage and free radical formation caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays, and may also help prevent dark spots by suppressing melanin production.

-Boosts Immune System – Probably the best known benefit of Vitamin C, and most people’s go to defense during flu season and when colds come along. Studies have shown that getting enough Vitamin C may help reduce symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold.


Surprising Vitamin C Foods:

-Star Fruit – As you have probably gathered from it’s name…this fruit is shaped like a star, and it is packed with important nutrients and health benefits. High in Vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber, this is a fruit that you might consider adding to your plate.

-Kakadu Plum – Not very well known, but according to the Australian researchers…the Kakadu plum has the β€œhighest recorded level of natural Vitamin C content of any plant in the world β€” more than 100 times that of oranges.”

-Acerola Cherry – It is believed that this lesser-known fruit is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C available to us, providing around 50–100 times more than oranges or lemons!

-Red Cabbage – Did you know that red cabbage contains more Vitamin C than ORANGES…our #1 go to when we think of Vitamin C?!

-Broccoli and Kale – We know that green leafy vegetables contain good sources of magnesium, zinc, calcium and other necessary nutrients, but did you know that a serving of these delicious greens contain high amounts of Vitamin C, too?

-Black Currants – Black currant is just bursting with Vitamin C! One cup of raw black currants can provide triple the amount you need for the entire day!


Can You Have Too Much?

Just like with everything else, too much of a good thing can be too much of a bad thing. Over indulging on Vitamin C can cause digestive issues, headaches, heartburn and wear down your tooth enamel. So if you find yourself to be deficient in Vitamin C, it’s always wise not to panic and go overboard.

Certain studies have found that taking between 200 and 500 milligrams per day is plenty to experience health benefits and that doses higher than this may not even be absorbed. Some experts recommend taking no more than 2,000 milligrams per day, especially if taking high doses for weeks or months on end.

Make The Connection – Follow the Line to the Root and Pull the Plug

Chiropractor examines spinal column of patient woman medical concept

God was pretty creative when he constructed the human body! I mean, we all know that the spine is the backbone (literally) of the human body, our support beam, you might say. We all know good connection in the spine gives us the ability to move our limbs properly. We all know the spine health is pretty vital to our mobility.

But here’s something not super well known (and I think it is pretty cool πŸ™‚ ): The spine is not only connected to all the other bones but also to our organs. Yeah! The pain you experience in other areas of your body could be pointing to a problem in a specific area of your spine. If our spine is out of order than our organs will feel it.

But, why? And how? These are two questions that should come to your mind pretty quick.Β 

Communication Center

Let’s have a little fun with this one. I want you to try and picture the body like a telephone system.Β And, no, I don’t mean a cell phone, or even the modern day home phone. I want you to go a little further back in time. To those phones that you had to plug into the wall and had the spin dial. πŸ™‚Β You have the mouthpiece that sends messages, the earpiece that receives the messages, and the wire that transfers the messages.

The brain is the body’s “communication Center”. The brain sends messages to every part of the body, telling them what to do, and the body sends messages back to the brain. This is how we know pain.

These messages are sent through the nerves in the spine. (The body’s own telephone wire, you might say. πŸ™‚ ) Now when telephone wires get cut, or damaged, the phone doesn’t work. We can’t communicate so well with friends or family members that live far away. The body is the same way.

Any time one of the vertebrae in the spine gets slightly displaced, it pinches a nerve and blocks any messages that are trying to get through. This is where chiropractors come in handy. They can adjust the spine and get the kinks out of the line to clear the way for the messages to get through so the body’s communication system can get back to working properly.

So you can see why the health of the spine is so important to the general function of the body. πŸ™‚

Make the Connection

By this time, you (like I was) might be curious about what organs are connected to which area of the spine.

Now this is where it gets REALLY COOL! Each section of the spine has a specific connection… and each can cause specific issues to tell us what is wrong.

There are some issues that are pretty easy to relate to the spine (headaches are a big one)… and then the not so easy ones (like problems in the stomach and intestines).
