The Healing Template



I really like that way we were designed. It was an intelligent decision to put our bodies in place as the are. It works. So, when I set out to help a client in their healing process, I make sure I stay with that design. I’ve said it before, our bodies are a flow system. This is the flow system I follow when a client walks into my office:

  • I check first to see if the hypothalamus is “firing” equally on both side of the body. It is our “master switch” and if it’s off, everything will be off.
  • Next is to determine if the cells are able to drain properly. Detoxing is no good when the body can’t get the gunk out.
  • IF those are on, we can begin a customized detox. IF NOT, we work on the body and support it with:
  1. Rehydration- a homeopathic support for cellular hydration that also supports the hypothalamus
  2. Ionic Minerals- these are tiny, cell sized foods that do not require strong digestion to nourish the cells. The ionic minerals support a sea water environment our cells thrive in.
  3. Digestive enzymes- what good is food if you can’t digest it, right? Is undigested food getting into your bloodstream? You could be feeding your “inner critters.”
  4. Probiotics- they rebuild the healthy gut bacteria to support, well, everything in your body.
  5. Predigested protein- When you body is weakened, an easy to use protein is valuable to help heal the gut and other damaged tissues.
  6. Blood cleanser- helps to clear out the gunk in the bloodstream so a detox isn’t working through congested flow.
  7. Colon support- because we need to eliminate well. Waste HAS to leave our bodies.
  • Once the hypothalamus and cells are up to speed, a client may begin a detox. I can custom build a program by putting spagyrically processed herbs (awesome) and homeopathic nosodes (which remind the body to do what it already knows to do) on your team. I will use my Computron, an EAV device, to determine the toxic load your cells are carrying, and to customize the nosodes.
  • After the detox is done, We will then work to rebuild healthy tissue the toxins have damaged. We do that with sarcodes, also described as blueprints used by the body to rebuild healthy tissue.
  • The final step is healthy maintenance. Super greens and an antioxidant works well for most.


I work with toxins, not diseases, I will not diagnose you or heal you. I will support you as your body heals itself. I am your well trained staff member.



One thought on “The Healing Template

  1. Stephanie Johnson Reply

    I am interested in more information. Dawn Irons gave me your name.

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