About Chelsea Barlow, ND

Chelsea Barlow is an American Naturopathic Medical Association Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor and Certified Natural Health Professional specializing in BioEnergetic assessment techniques to determine the nutritional support the client would benefit from most efficiently. She is not a licensed medical doctor and will be, instead, focusing on root cause corrections rather than treating or diagnosing any disease. Chelsea works with the body as a whole and views it as a flow system rather than patching it with individual supplements. She offers various BioEnergetic Body Balance modalities as well, including the BioMechanical Technique and Emotional Healing Techniques. Avazzia’s Micro-Current devices are used to assist the body to heal where there is pain and to provide bio-identical frequencies to facilitate support.

Chelsea has been a client of similar protocols for years and decided in November of 2012 that it was time to put her passion to work. She began her course work through Trinity School of Natural Health in January of 2013 seeking the designation of Naturopathic Doctor, and in March 2016, after years of study and the completion of a deeply researched dissertation, Chelsea achieved this goal and became an ANMA Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor. By July 2013, Chelsea earned the title as a Certified Natural Health Professional. In November 2013, Chelsea also became a Loomis Digestive Health Specialist and took The Advanced Training with Avazzia. She was co-currently a student at the International College of BioEnergetic Medicine and graduated in May of 2014. She has completed the Quantum Reflex Analysis Mastery Series and is adding Nutrition Response Testing and Mud Packing to her list of services.

Chelsea’s heart is also for her family. She is a wife and mother of 5 beautiful children with ages ranging from 4-18. Their family has chosen to homeschool their children throughout their school years. Her husband has owned a swimming pool business for over 20 years. They live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in Texas.

Finally and above all else, Chelsea is a Christian. It is her faith in The Lord as documented and witnessed in the Bible that stirs her passion for health and being there for others’ healing. When the Lord said, “Let there be light,” there was light. And so, creation was born out of frequency manifested by His intention. Standing in His image, we often forget that we are made of mostly energy driving the atoms that make the cells, that make the tissue, that make the body, that contains our lives. Let us nourish ALL He made us to be!

2 thoughts on “About Chelsea Barlow, ND

  1. Veronica Whitlock Reply

    Good morning Chelsea- I just have to say I am in awe of you. I had a few CNHP classes under my belt , but wasn’t able to finish, because of financial reasons. Now that they have merged with Trinity, I am going to try and take classes online. I feel like this is my calling and I refuse to give up. I was so excited to see you live in the DFW area. Do you provide any classes?

    Take Care,


    1. allgoodthings@charter.net Reply

      Hi! I have taught a class or two and have an online class in development about muscle testing. You should come see me! Take a tour of my office. 🙂

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