We all love celebrating Independence Day…the food, the fun, the fireworks, the family and friends…and celebrating how and why we have this country!
But along with the fun, can come some… not so fun… things. Exhaustion, heat, bugs, too much noise and food…they can all put a damper on the day and keep you from enjoying yourself and the people around you. Here are a few tips for you to try this year to make the day more fun and to keep you from crashing at the end of it.
Tip #1: Sun Screen! – This is usually a day where we spend the majority of the time outside…in the sun. While it’s a good thing to soak up some Vitamin D and nice to get a little bit of a tan…red is a color you want to stay away from. Be sure to apply sunscreen throughout the day. BUT make sure you choose your protection carefully! Not all of them are good for you… and some are pretty toxic!
Tip #2: Be Active – It’s nice to sit around and visit with family, but getting up and being active can be an even better option. If you just sit around on a hot day, eating and not doing much, you can quickly become sluggish and tired…and that doesn’t feel too good. So, instead of grabbing more dessert, grab some friends and play a ball game or go a walk together…and be sure to follow these next two tips!
Food and Drink
Tip #1: Eat Light! – It’s not fun to have anything weigh down the fun activities of the day… and that also applies to food! Now this doesn’t mean that you can’t have your grilled meat and some of your other favorite 4th of July foods, but don’t go stuffing yourself. And opt for more fruits and vegetables instead of piling your plate high with chips and desserts. Your body won’t feel so groggy afterward and you’ll be lighter on your feet to enjoy the rest of the day’s fun and games!
Tip #2: Stay Hydrated! – And I don’t mean with soda and sweet tea and store bought lemonade. If you are out and about in the heat, make sure you are getting plenty of water. It doesn’t have to be bland and boring, though! I love making fruit infused water to add a little flavor. It is actually a lot of fun to experiment with different fruits to find your favorite, but here are two great ones to try for your patriotic celebration:
- Strawberries and blueberries – Get the color theme going AND take in some antioxidant at the same time!
- Watermelon and blackberries (or blueberries) – Who doesn’t love watermelon during the summer?? You can even amp up the fun and cut it into star shapes and drop in a few mint leaves for an extra cool zing!
Family and Friends
Tip #1: Laugh a Lot – There are very few medicines like the medicine of laughter! You are spending a day with friends and family, celebrating our country’s incredible history…take some time to let go of the stress of life and laugh with people you love.
Tip #2: Spend Time in History – While it’s great fun to hang out with family and friends, playing games and eating good food, I think it is important to remember the reason why we are even celebrating in the first place. We have a great history and have been given an awesome inheritance by our forefathers. It was because of what happened in history, and what they sacrificed that we have the freedoms, liberties and privileges we have this day. And why we can gather with our friends and families to have fun. God blessed this country because our forefathers sought to make Him the foundation…and they wanted those that came after to continue to care for that foundation. So take some time this 4th to remember the history of our country… and celebrate the actually reason for the holiday.
May this 4th of July be a day that we understand what it truly means to say: