Welcome Autumn!


The days are getting shorter. The air outside feels lighter and you can almost taste cinnamon and apples on the breeze. You know what that means?…

It’s time for sweaters, boots, soup, pumpkin spice, and orange, red and yellow leaves on the trees.

Though we here in Texas may not experience all this yet (if at all), we can expect to experience many of the changes that fall brings. And we should be prepared, because not all of them are pleasant changes… you know, the ones we wait all year to experience. 😉

Immune System Support: What to Do

  • Eat foods in season – God had this great idea to have different foods grow at different times during the year! Before our modern day food processing system, people had to eat food ONLY when it was growing. So I think we should probably adhere to that practice. Food is medicine and can do wonderful things for our bodies… but only if we use it in the time that it was intended.


  • Essential oils – Diffuse them into the air, apply them topically or spray them on your bed or couch. There are several oils that help keep toxins and all the nasty things at bay. Peppermint, Lemon, Rosemary and Lavender are some favorites for supporting the immune system. And Cinnamon and Clove are also great for the fall time! 😉


  • SupplementsVitamin C and Probiotics are pretty popular and well known when it comes to supporting the immune system (and the gut). Now… Elderberry is also a great supporter of the immune system. It helps to protect the cells from damage and activate the immune response. Echinacea (aka the purple cone flower) is another one that may enhance immune system activity in the long run.


  • Herbs – Plants are so useful! 😀 Echinacea and Elderberry, Ginger and Garlic... and Calendula are some of the top 10 herbs to help keep up a strong immune system defense.


  • Water – Keeping hydrated, yes even when the weather is cooler, is still key to good health. It helps keep your body in good fighting condition… and it helps to flush out  the bad stuff that gets in your body.


Immune System Busters: What NOT to Do


  • Stress – It’s not fun, and it’s not good for us. Unfortunately, we cannot get rid of every little bit of stress in our lives every day… but we can limit it. Unnecessary stress in a huge enemy of good health. The stress you do have control of… control it.


  • Sugar – It’s sweet and we love it… TOO MUCH! We Americans consume so much sugar it breaks down our bodies natural defenses against illness, and most of the sugar we consume nowadays does nothing for us. Try substituting some organic raw honey when you get a bit of a sweet craving.


  • Caffeine – A cup on coffee now and then is not a bad thing… and sometimes it can be a good thing. But if that is your biggest liquid intake it can weaken your immune system. Though it is a favorite for keeping one’s eyes open at work or school, it should not be your first line of defense.


  • Processed foods – Should be taken out completely. It masquerades as something beneficial and delicious… but all it does is damage.


  • Late-nighters or all-nighters – How many of us, when we are suffering from lack of sleep, are at our very best physically, emotionally or mentally? A good night’s sleep is essential for your body to be able to defend itself against everything trying to take it down. We all struggle with this, and I know it’s hard (boy do I know!). But sometimes it is best to put away your work, school or that unfinished project for the night… and go to bed. You will be more productive after a good sleep anyway. 🙂


Now I do want to point out one thing: just because you do these things, or not do these things, does not mean that you will never get sick. There is always the chance, while we are here on this earth, that we will catch something nasty. But if you take care of your body and give it the fuel it needs to defend itself… you have a better chance. 🙂

Have a happy fall, everyone! And may it be full of chilly weather, pumpkin spice and LOTS of pretty colors!