Being active is a good thing, right? I mean, if we weren’t active our bodies would get all bent out of shape, we would lose energy and our muscles would be super weak. Not to mention we would go stir crazy. 🙂
Be Specific
Working out goes beyond just being active. It is important to remember that our body is made up of many parts, and each part needs to be worked and used correctly. They help support each other. That is why, when we work out, we need to work out specific areas of our body. Don’t just pick one form of exercise and stick with it, though that is not all bad. You can have your favorite exercise, but it is also a wise idea to add in a few more that target some specific areas that can be problems and cause some pretty popular pain. 😀
Here are a few favorites that don’t take very long, and you can do them just about anywhere:
- Squats – Targets the glutes and thighs… and even a little bit of your back (feel the burn!).
- Planks – Targets the glutes and abs, even arms and shoulders.
- Sit ups – Targets the abs
- Push ups – Targets abs, chest and arms
- Lunges – Targets the legs. Pulsing to this one adds a little extra “feel good burn”. 😉
At Work
- Desk stretches – 1. “Shrug” bring your shoulders up to your ears and roll them back down.
2. “Reach for the Sky” stretch both arms as high as you can and hold for several seconds.
3. “Roll the Head” from side to side, back and forth, and in a circle.
4. “Open Chest” stretch your arms behind you and clasp your hands together. Hold for a few seconds. - Sitting on an exercise ball – This helps you keep better posture and helps to strengthen your back and core. Plus… you can bounce in place and roll! Just don’t have so much fun you keep falling off!
How Much?
Your daily workout routine does not have to be all at once. Sometimes you should break it down into smaller time spots… spread it throughout your day to keep you energized and feeling great.
Remember, you don’t have to go and fast and do as much as you can whenever you exercise, that can tire your body out more than keep it strong.
Keep your movements strong and focus on the muscles you are working to avoid injuring yourself and to make the most out of your quick workout.
And… Finally
The most important thing is that it be fun. If it isn’t fun, it’s stress and can actually be detrimental to your health… instead of improving it. We have been trapped into the lie that things that are hard and take time have to be boring. BUT… exercise doesn’t have to be “not fun”. That is all in our minds.
Turn on some of your favorite music. Music that gets you pumped up and feeling like you can take on anything. Try working out in a place that makes you happy, whether that is outside, the gym, or a favorite room in the house. Workout with someone, your best friend or a family member. The added accountability (and friendly competition) helps to keep you pushing on. Diffuse or wear some of your favorite oils. Peppermint is a great one to get you motivated. 🙂