It’s that time again people! Are you ready for another bout of achy muscles, inflamed sinuses, sore and raw throat, and having to put your life on hold because you are too sick to function? I thought not.
No one likes to spend their winter indoors because they HAVE to. Sure, we don’t mind staying home and lying around from time to time when we have a choice – we aren’t feeling horrible while we do and we can perhaps get some things accomplished off of our to do list.
We also don’t want to create a domino effect and put our whole family in quarantine (have you noticed how powerfully it effects large families?) 😉 Though this seems to be the norm during this time of year, it doesn’t have to be for you. There are some very simple steps you can take to minimize the effects of the winter bug, or even avoid it all together. Here are some of my favorites:
1. Food
80% of the immune system is in the digestive tract. One of the biggest defense tools you can give your body is filling it with lots of good superfoods and staying away from foods that weigh your body down and weaken your defense walls. So load up on some vitamin c, green leafy vegetables, probiotics and even some bone broth (smoothies are awesome). Be sure to chew well so it is easier for you to digest… and eliminate. Hydrate well, guys!
Stay away from those foods that can irritate the gut such as processed/fried foods, sugar and artificial sweeteners.
2. Exercise
It’s generally not thought about, but getting exercise can help you sleep better. It also helps increase circulation and keep your body in good strength for its defense. So keep up that daily workout routine! It will also help keep you warm, if you are not a fan of cold weather. 😉
3. Essential Oils
There are several essential oils that can help build up your immune system AND help build you up while you are down with the bug. 😉 Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Lemon are some of my favorites.
Peppermint and Eucalyptus help to clear the airways and can also help to relax your muscles. Plus, peppermint always smells amazing. 🙂
Lemon helps with lymphatic drainage and can help settle your stomach.
*Not every oil is going to work the same way for every person. Muscle testing is a great way for you to find out what oil your body needs. Contact me if you want to know more about muscle testing with oils.
4. Sleep
Getting your rest is an important part of staying healthy. If your body is too tired, it has no energy left to fight off illness. I know it is hard (I’m still trying to teach myself), but sometimes you should just turn off your computer, put away your work and get some sleep.
So go out there and enjoy your winter!