We all want our kids to be happy and healthy. But how do we do that? What should be on our priority list and where should we draw the line?
The truth is, those are questions I can’t answer for you. Every parent has to make the decision about what is best for their kids. However, there are some general tips that we all should take into consideration. After all, our child’s health should be our main priority.
1. Be Careful of the “Food Trap”
Our society has several “health” foods that they try to sell us for our kids, making us think we are feeding kids good food. But that is not true. So many of those “health” foods have fillers and preservatives hidden in the ingredients… and have next to nothing in the way of nutrients.
Feed your kids plenty of organic protein (found in eggs, raw dairy, and grass fed beef), fruits and vegetables are a must, and good fats are a positive (avocados, salmon, coconut oil). Stay away from processed foods, sugar and artificially flavored and colored snacks.
2. Limit Screen Time
Today kid’s spend the majority of their day sitting in front of the TV or the computer, or on their cell phones. And it’s starting at younger and younger ages. It is not only taking away their childhood, but it’s causing some serious health damages. Too much screen time has been linked to sleep disorders, childhood obesity, less positive brain function and behavior problems. It’s time to detox screen time and get those kids moving…
Which brings me to number three…
3. Dirty is the New Clean
It may seem weird and a little contradictory but this is one of the best ways to raise healthy kids. Let them be kids. Let them get dirty, it won’t hurt them. In fact, it’s good for them. Don’t be overly sterile. Fresh air and nature – a child’s best friend… and a parent’s.
So kick them outside and let them explore and move. Kids have a natural energy that we have been discouraging by keeping them inside and giving them all these devices that keep them glued to a couch. The body was made to move – and that is especially important in young children. And, hey, join them in outdoor activities as well. You could use the exercise, too 🙂
Enjoy the time with your kids. They will love it and you will treasure it.
Remember, if you start your kids out with good healthy habits, they will stick as they grow older.